Interview Coaching: Master the Art of the Interview with Calm & Confidence

Embarking on the quest for a new career opportunity can be thrilling yet intimidating. 

Whether you're just starting out and finding your first job, looking to embark on a new career path, or returning to the workforce after a gap, interview coaching can help you navigate these critical conversations with ease and preparedness.

It's not just about answering questions; it's about narrating your professional story with clarity, conviction, calm, and confidence.

That’s why my Interview Coaching sessions are tailored to help you refine your approach and skillset, ensuring you leave a memorable first impression. 

Your career goals are within reach, and with personalized coaching, I can help you learn not just to answer but to engage, leaving your interviewers captivated and interested.

Together, we can redefine how you prepare and show up in interviews, transforming them from hurdles into launching pads for the next step in your career. 

Woman sitting at table shaking a man's hand who is standing.
Man holding his glasses touching the brow of his face.

Have you ever approached an interview feeling...

  • Overwhelmed by the unknowns, uncertain about the questions you'll face?

  • Fearing the sting of rejection for a role that seems perfect for you?

  • Anxious about making an unfavorable first impression?

  • Confused about the interviewer’s expectations and how to meet them?

  • Burdened by previous interview experiences that are influencing your current mindset?

  • Concerned that recurring mistakes are holding you back, yet mystified about what they might be?

Instead, imagine walking away from your interview with a newfound sense of...

  • Preparedness, confidently navigating even the toughest questions.

  • Satisfaction from making a positive and memorable first impression.

  • Pride in distinctively articulating what sets you apart from other candidates.

Or perhaps you discover that you've...

  • Successfully shed your usual pre-interview anxiety, entering the room calm and collected.

  • Hit the ground running with your responses, finding your rhythm from the very first question.

  • Concluded what feels like the most successful interview of your career.

A woman posing in front of a building in white shirt.
Woman of color shaking a white man's hand.

What if this scenario wasn’t just a hopeful dream but a tangible reality?

Unlock the door to your future with Interview Coaching that transforms possibility into reality. 

Say goodbye to the "what ifs" and embrace a confident new chapter in your professional story. 

Let's turn that hopeful dream into your next success.

What My Clients Are Saying

“I felt defeated and down after a bad run of interviews. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. But after consulting with Amy, I took a whole new approach and had a positive outlook. Within a few weeks, I felt like I was hitting my stride in interviews and received an offer!” — Allison L.

Transform Your Interview Skills with Customized Coaching

Achieve outstanding interview results through tailored coaching and dedicated guidance.

Choose between an individual 50-minute session or a comprehensive package of three sessions, each designed to elevate your interview performance.

In our focused one-on-one sessions, we will delve into:

  • Your Career Aspirations

    To understand the roles you're aiming for, so I can tailor our approach.

  • Interview Concerns

    Addressing your worries about the interview process and reflecting on past experiences to find areas of improvement.

  • Tackling Challenging Interview Questions Head-On

    Developing strategic talking points that showcase your strengths and make you feel more at ease, prepared, and confident.

  • In-Depth Practice

    Engaging in a mock interview, followed by detailed feedback on body language, tone, and overall impression to ensure you're seen in the best light.

  • Reinforce & Refine: The Power of Follow-Up Sessions

    Additional sessions open the door to further mock interviews, utilizing constructive feedback from previous sessions.

Man at desktop computer with earbuds in, typing.

Your Investment in Future Success

The insights provided are tailored to help you leave a lasting positive impression and give you the knowledge to excel in interviews throughout your career.

  • Individual 50-minute Sessions: $150

  • Package of 3 Sessions: $400

Ready to feel calm and confident in your next interview?

Take the first step towards success — book your coaching session now.

Amy Shapiro standing in front of desk with pink jacket on.

Welcome, I'm Amy Shapiro — your coach for turning interviews into career advancement.

As an experienced Interview Coach, I collaborate with you to pinpoint your strengths and navigate the areas where you crave growth. 

Together, we customize a strategy that amplifies your interviewing finesse.

Why entrust me with navigating your interview journey?

With my breadth of experience acquired over a 20-year career, during which I've interviewed and hired hundreds of talents across various roles — from CFOs and accountants to marketing, administrative, and customer service positions — I bring more than just advice to the table. 

I share proven strategies and unpack the inner operations of the interview room, highlighting the nuances that wow interviewers.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain

As a trained coach, I prepare you to dodge common pitfalls and unveil the elements that can craft an extraordinary first impression. Hint — the answer is sometimes concealed in the question!

For me, interviews are more than mere conversations; they’re platforms for substantial professional leaps, avenues for making meaningful contributions to our world, and opportunities to create lasting impact.

It's my mission to empower you to step into every interview as a chance to tell your success story and etch your unique signature within the professional world.

Let's embrace this journey together and unlock the power of your full potential, so you can achieve the success you desire, make meaningful impacts wherever you go, and truly shine in your professional path.

Laptop computer on a desk with a chair.

Commonly Asked Questions

Below you'll find questions that often come up regarding Interview Coaching.

If your question isn't listed here, please Contact Me, and I'll reply within two business days.

  • Bringing your resume to the interview coaching session isn't necessary.

    Our primary objective is to enhance your performance during the actual interview.

    Together, we’ll focus on developing your communication skills, response strategies, and confidence to ensure you make a powerful impression.

  • Creating a compelling resume is a specialized art, and for that, leveraging the expertise of a dedicated resume specialist is highly beneficial.

    I recommend consulting with a professional who focuses exclusively on resumes to ensure your qualifications and experiences are presented in the most impactful way.

  • Absolutely! The skills cultivated through interview coaching, including effective communication, confident public speaking, and strategic response planning, are highly transferable and can significantly enhance your presentation abilities.

    During your session, we can tailor the learning to explore these additional applications.

    Feel free to bring up any specific areas you're looking to improve, and we'll integrate those into our coaching strategy.

  • Indeed, we will!

    We begin with an evaluative interview to establish your baseline, which is followed by practical, hands-on mock interviews to exercise and elevate your newfound skills and strategies.

    Should you need more practice, you can always invest in more sessions until you feel confident.

  • Absolutely! We'll tackle customary questions essential to your preparation and work through any questions you've previously found difficult or foresee being asked, ensuring you approach your interview with confidence and thoughtful answers.

  • Certainly! Interview coaching is beneficial regardless of how seasoned you are in your career or if you're returning to the workforce after a hiatus.

    We'll tailor our sessions to address your unique circumstances, emphasizing how to convey your extensive experience or frame your time away from the workforce as a positive aspect of your professional journey.

Ready to Transform Your Interview Experience?

It’s time to change the way you approach interviews, by turning every encounter into a golden opportunity.

It’s time to walk in radiating confidence, remaining calm and collected, free from nerves, as you handle the toughest questions with ease and display your unique strengths.

It's time to take that decisive step, investing in yourself and your future.

Embrace this opportunity to lift your interview performance to new heights with my support. Book a free, no-obligation Discovery Call to discuss it further, or just sign up!

A sign on a desk that says, you got this.