Empowering Leaders, Inspiring Organizations

In the quest for leadership distinction and organizational success, I'm your go-to mentor and guide.

With a robust foundation in Executive Leadership Coaching, expert Interview Coaching, and strategic Interim Management and Consulting for non-profits and museums, I cultivate transformation for individuals and institutions. 

My suite of services offers a comprehensive approach to navigating the complexities of leadership, career advancement, and organizational change.

Amy Shapiro standing in a white sweater.
Women with glasses on sitting on a coach with laptop on lap.

How Can I Help?

Leadership & Interview Coaching

Are you on the path to refining your leadership skills?

Are you navigating a career transition?

Are you looking to hone your interview skills for a powerful first impression? 

Allow me to support you.

When we collaborate, I'll help you tap into your potential, turning aspirations into achievements. 

Together, we'll embark on a journey that amplifies your unique strengths and builds a successful future that genuinely reflects who you are and where you want to be, personally and professionally.

Interim Management & Consulting for Non-Profits & Museums

Is your organization navigating a leadership change?

Allow me to harmonize the transition. 

As your Interim Executive Director or CEO, I'll collaborate closely with your board and staff, preparing them for the arrival of new leadership. 

My priority is ensuring the uninterrupted flow of daily operations while helping your organization identify opportunities that will ensure success and stability in the future.

My goal is to turn your leadership transition into a strategic opportunity for growth. 

Inside an art gallery with abstract art on the walls.
Amy Shapiro standing in front of her desk.

If you’re ready to take the next step, I’m here to support your growth.

Hello, I'm Amy Shapiro, an executive coach and the guiding force behind The Birdie Alliance. 

With deep roots in leadership and non-profit management, my work revolves around executive coaching, consulting, and providing interim management solutions.

My passion lies in supporting leaders, non-profits, museums, and organizations as they navigate monumental and nuanced transitions. 

These moments of change challenge us, spotlighting our strengths, areas for development, and the tools and resources we need to refine for future success. 

They also carve out paths for profound personal and professional growth.

Embracing these lessons, however, requires openness and the right support. 

As a coach, consultant, or interim executive, I strive to be the companion you need on this journey.

With me by your side, you'll find a sounding board, an invaluable resource, and a wellspring of insights to guide you through.

If this resonates with you, I'm eager to partner with you on your path to growth.

 “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ― William James

3 Ways We Can Work Together

  • Team of people sitting and standing around table.

    Executive Leadership Coaching

    Ready to step into the next iteration of your career? Looking to accelerate your progress? Hoping to hone the most sought-after leadership skills to set you apart from others in your field?

    That’s exactly what I've built my executive leadership coaching program around — and I'm here to help you achieve your full potential as a leader.

    Through this personalized coaching process, we'll focus on developing you as a leader and an individual ready to conquer challenges.

  • Team of people sitting around a table.

    Interview Coaching

    There's a remarkable surge of confidence you feel when you walk into an interview room fully armed with knowledge, preparation, and self-assuredness.

    This feeling is not just empowering; it transforms you, enabling you to make a remarkable first impression.

    From drilling down potential questions and sculpting effective responses to conducting mock interviews, I’ll help you feel prepared, confident, and well-equipped to tackle any question that comes your way.

  • Team sitting around table looking at computer screen.

    Interim Management & Consulting

    Should your organization require an Interim CEO or Executive Director, I'm ready to step in, equipped with years of rich executive leadership experience.

    As your interim leader, my goal is to seamlessly manage your daily operations and provide a stable bridge between your staff leadership and your board.

    As a consultant, I bring a deep well of industry insights and a keen eye for strategic solutions. I do all this to empower your organization's valuable work in the world.

What My Clients Are Saying

“I was feeling completely lost about what my pending retirement would look like when I got a referral to speak with Amy. I am so happy I made that appointment because it truly made a huge difference in my outlook. Amy guided me to find the answer I had not realized was there all along. With her help and guidance, I’m looking forward to this ‘second act’ of my life.” — Mindy R. 

Let’s Make Your Next Transition Your Most Successful One Yet

Whether navigating towards a promising new job through strategic interview coaching, sharpening your leadership acumen with executive leadership coaching, or spearheading your organization into a promising new phase with effective interim management, I'm on your side throughout these transformative transitions.

My mission is to help you turn every next step into a resounding success.

Ready to embark on this journey? 

Explore one of the service pages above to kickstart the process, or contact me directly using the link below. 

Let's shape the future together, one successful transition at a time.

Portrait shot of Amy Shapiro in black sweater.